Climate Resilience Offsets

CRO is a registered 501c3 nonprofit, all donations are tax deductible

Donate Today

Make a tax-deductible donation today to offset the costs of projects with immediate climate resilience immediate impact, measurable results, and lasting benefits.

Corporate Offsets

In the past several years the financial impact of climate change has come into sharp focus. There is no shortage of projects that need to be started right away but lack the funds to get going. If your company contributes to climate change in any way we urge you make a donation today to offset the costs impacting communities around the world.

Consumer Offsets

You don’t need to be a corporation to donate. If you fly, drive, or engage in any activity that adds to climate change you can make a financial offset to help cover the downstream costs. When you donate you can choose which area of focus you would like your generosity to be directed.

Donate Today